We implement the proposed algorithm and conduct an experiment to show its performance in terms of probability of data loss because of packet loss, encryption speed, and memory usage. Pre-compression encryption is applied to make the algorithm robust to data loss because of packet loss. In addition, color channel separation can prevent attackers from deducing situations through color composition.

By doing so, the algorithm becomes robust to known-plaintext attacks, which has been a common problem with existing permutation-based video encryption algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new permutation-based video encryption algorithm that updates the permutation list for every frame using a crypto secure pseudo-random number generator without significantly increasing memory usage. Moreover, situation deduction based on the color composition is possible.

However, existing permutation-based video encryption algorithms are vulnerable to known-plaintext attacks since they use the same permutation list for every frame. Therefore, a permutation-based video encryption algorithm was proposed to secure video streams in low-performance processors such as IoT security cameras. Along with the recent growth of Internet of Things (IoT) security camera market, there have been a number of personal information leakage incidents from security attacks targeting such cameras.